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  • Conference paper
    Sehr A, Wen Y-CJ, Kellermann W, Naylor PAet al., 2008,

    A Combined Approach for Estimating a Feature-Domain Reverberation Model in Non-diffuse Environments

  • Conference paper
    Loganathan P, Khong WHA, Naylor PA, 2008,

    A Sparseness Controlled Proportionate Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

  • Conference paper
    Zhang W, Khong AWH, Naylor PA, 2008,


    , 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 788-+, ISSN: 1058-6393
  • Conference paper
    Maqsood H, Naylor P, 2007,

    Improved DYPSA Algorithm for Noise and Unvoiced Speech

    , Pages: 243-248-243-248

    The DYPSA algorithm detects glottal closure instants (GCI) in speech signals. We present an improvement in the algorithm in which a voiced/unvoiced/silence discrimination measure is applied in order to reduce the spurious GCIs detected incorrectly fo.....

  • Conference paper
    Wen Y-CJ, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Objective Measurement of Colouration in Reverberation

  • Conference paper
    Lin X, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Blind Speech Dereverberation in the Presence of Common Acoustic Zeros

  • Conference paper
    Ahmad R, Khong, W H A, Naylor P Aet al., 2007,

    A Practical Adaptive Blind Multichannel Estimation Algorithm with Application to Acoustic Impulse Responses

  • Journal article
    Khong WHA, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Selective-tap Adaptive Filtering with Performance Analysis for Non-stationary System Identification

    , IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 1681-1695
  • Journal article
    Khong AWH, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Selective-Tap Adaptive Filtering With Performance Analysis for Identification of Time-Varying Systems

    , IEEE Trans Audio Speech and Language, Vol: 15, Pages: 1681-1695
  • Conference paper
    Gaubitch N D, Naylor P A, 2007,

    Spatiotemporal Averaging Method for Enhancement of Reverberant Speech

  • Conference paper
    Naylor P A, Khong, W H A, Brookes D Met al., 2007,

    Misalignment Performance Of Selective Tap Adaptive Algorithms For System Identification Of Time-Varying Unknown Systems

  • Journal article
    Khong, W H A, Naylor P A, Benesty Jet al., 2007,

    A Low Delay and Fast Converging Improved Proportionate Algorithm for Sparse System Identification

    , EURASIP Journal of Audio, Speech and Music Processing
  • Journal article
    Ariful Haque M, Shafi Bashar M, Naylor P A, Hirose K, Hasan M Ket al., 2007,

    Energy Constrained Frequency-Domain Normalized LMS Algorithm for Blind Channel Identification

    , Signal Image and Video Processing, Vol: 1, Pages: 203-213
  • Journal article
    Dogancay K, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Adaptive Partial-Update and Sparse System Identification

    , EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Vol: 2007
  • Journal article
    Naylor P A, Kounoudes A, Gudnason J, Brookes Met al., 2007,

    Estimation of glottal closure instants in voiced speech using the DYPSA algorithm

    , IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 34-43, ISSN: 1558-7916
  • Journal article
    Naylor P A, Kounoudes A, Gudnason J, Brookes D Met al., 2007,

    Estimation of Glottal Closure Instants in Voiced Speech using the DYPSA algorithm

    , IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 34-43
  • Conference paper
    Maqsood H, Gudnason J, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Enhanced Robustness to Unvoiced Speech and Noise in the DYPSA Algorithm for Identification of Glottal Closure Instants

  • Conference paper
    Lin X, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Blind Speech Dereverberation in the Presence of Common Acoustical Zeros

    , Pages: 389-393-389-393
  • Conference paper
    Ahmad R, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,

    A Noise-Robust Dual Filter Approach to Multichannel Blind System Identification

    , Pages: 385-388-385-388
  • Conference paper
    Gaubitch ND, Thomas MRP, Naylor PA, 2007,

    Subband method for multichannel least squares equalization of room transfer functions

    , IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoutics, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 33-36

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Speech and Audio Processing Lab
CSP Group, EEE Department
Imperial College London

Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
