Mentoring Celebration - 24 June 2025

Mentors are invited to join the first "Mentoring Celebration"- all mentors are invited to come and join colleagues to celebrate all things mentoring!

Mentoring is available to staff only.

Imperial's mentoring scheme is available to staff working in job families and Faculties across Imperial.
Mentoring is a widely used development tool that has positively impacted effectiveness, confidence, and career advancement.
At the heart of mentoring is a relationship based on trust and mutual regard where one colleague uses their expertise and knowledge to support the development of another colleague.
Most mentoring occurs between senior and junior colleagues, although peer mentoring, where there are little or no differences in seniority, is also possible.
Through one-to-one confidential conversations, the mentee is encouraged and challenged to achieve their potential and aspirations. It can be helpful at all stages of a career.


Mentoring provides:
  • A safe space to explore options and plan future action
  • A place to be challenged and supported
  • A sounding board
  • A source of advice and guidance
  • New perspectives
Mentoring is not:
  • A substitute for line management or supervision
  • A shortcut to promotion
  • An alternative to Networking or friendship
  • Coaching
  • The role of an Academic Adviser
Faculty/Departmental Contacts

Business School


Faculty of Natural Sciences

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences – Ava Chiu 

Faculty of Engineering

Support Services


Here are a few statements from some of our Mentors and Mentees describing their experience of the scheme.

“I’ve mentored informally for over 20 years, but Imperial’s scheme has been really helpful. The focused pairing meant I was placed with somebody with whom I clicked immediately, and the mentoring training enabled me to deliver and assist them efficiently and effectively.  It really helps that the process directs mentees to think in advance exactly what they want from the mentor."

“Having never participated in any mentoring, I was sceptical at first. However, this has turned out to be the most positive and rewarding experience in my 6+ years of professional career. The focused pairing has been really helpful and connected me with an experienced, pleasant, thoughtful and motivating mentor. I could not have asked for better results out of the mentoring scheme.” 
Nausheen Basha Mehboob, Project Manager, Chemical Engineering-Mentee

Harbhajan Brar JDR
People often ask me what the one big thing is that made a real difference in my career, and for me, the answer is easy. My mentor, Kwame Akuffo, has been instrumental in helping me test my thinking throughout my career. Harbhajan Brar Former Director of HR