This Network has been developed for anyone who identifies as a carer to access the relevant resources and services offered to employees at Imperial. Every carer's personal situation is unique, and different levels and types of support will be needed depending on your role. Furthermore, your needs for information and support will probably change over time.

What is a Carer?

A carer is someone who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, elderly person, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability. You may have returned to work from maternity or adoption leave and are now trying to juggle your work commitments and home responsibilities.

How can Imperial help?

Imperial can offer practical help by informing you of the key policies and support available to Carers.

Imperial uses an independent, free and completely confidential service called Confidential Care, which can assist you with the day-to-day issues you face and help you to gain a healthy balance between your work and home life.

The University's Equality and Diversity Unit offer support, guidance and advice on all equality strands.

Carers Information

The following policies are particularly relevant to carers:

For specific advice on any of the policies mentioned above, please contact the HR Staff Hub.

The following Imperial resources may offer support, where relevant:

There are numerous external organisations offering advice and support to Carers, a few of which are mentioned below.  You may also wish to explore further services, which may be offered in the locality of where you live.