Our four babies rooms accommodate 42 babies in total aged between 6 months and 2 years. The Starlight, Sunshine, Garden and Butterfly rooms are located on the ground floor and are bright stimulating spaces for children of this age with plenty of age-appropriate equipment allowing a range of play-based activity and learning. 

There are seperate rooms with cots for the younger babies to take naps as well as designated changing and washing areas. 

The baby room staff have an abundance of experience working with young children and are very sensitive to how parents may feel about separating from their baby for the first time. To support this transition we have settling in days, over 3 sessions, where the child will visit with their parents for 2 hours per session. The child is allocated a key person who will form a relationship with the child and their parents and during the six week settling in period will work closely with you to ensure this continues. 

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Sunshine room

The Sunshine Room is located on the ground floor and accommodates up to 16 babies from 6 months to 2 years.

Reading in the baby room

One of four rooms accommodating babies aged 6 months to toddlers aged 2 years

Babies room

One of four rooms equipped for babies aged 6 months and toddlers aged up to 2 years