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Mealtimes at Early Years

Caption: Mealtimes at Early Years


Caption: Naptime

Our routine display board

Caption: Our routine display board helps the children understand their day and what to expect while they are with us

Our 3 to 5 years olds are used to brushing their teeth after lunch as part of their daily routine

Caption: Our 3 to 5 years olds are used to brushing their teeth after lunch as part of their daily routine

We've put together example daily schedules for each age group here at Early Years from arrival in the morning and including typical activities, meal times and naps. 

Typical day

6 months - 2 years
A typical day
 08.45 Arrival and welcome
 08.45 Play and exploration of different toys and resources set up around the room 
 09.15 Snack time
 09.40 Adult-led group activity to support development such as messy or sensory play
 10.30 Potty training and nappy changing
 10.45 Outdoor play
 11.25 Circle time activities such as singing, stories and games 
 11.45 Lunch
 12.30 Sleep time
 14.00  Drinks 
 14.30 Potty training and nappy changing
 14.45 Interest based activites for children to join in
 15.30 Tea time
 16.10 Large toy playtime
 17.15 Home time
A typical day in the baby room