Wednesday 16 March 2016
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Imperial College’s annual Education Day is a symposium for staff and students. This year’s theme was transformative learning. The keynote speaker was Professor Ronald Barnett, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at the Institute of Education, London.
Over 100 Imperial College staff engaged in discussion on the following questions:
- What do we mean by transformative learning?
- What are the roles of teachers and learners in the process of transformative learning?
- How can educational design better support transformative learning?
- Does it help learners respond flexibly to uncertainty?
Participants attended one of six parallel workshops facilitated by both Imperial teaching staff and invited external guests. These ranged across topics including role models, the Teaching Excellence Framework and personal empowerment, all under the theme of transformative learning at Imperial.
The day culminated with a showcase of teaching practice from across College and a Q&A session with all contributors.
All photos: Thomas Angus