Geology Fieldtrip

Assessment overview

The 5-day residential fieldtrip to Somerset, a part of Year 2 Soils and Engineering Geology module, is held at the beginning of the summer term and is designed to test practical geological skills, such as field sketching, geological observation, structural measurements and practical soil analysis. As part of the assessment the students perform an assessed mapping exercise, submit their field books and deliver a group presentation based on a poster.

Design decisions


Hear what the Imperial Experts have to say...

How to prepare students for group work

How to prepare students for group work

How to prepare students for group work

Dr Iro Ntonia, Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship


Faculty: Engineering
Department: Civil and Enviornmental Engineering (CEE)
Module name: Soils and Engineering Geology
Degree: Across all CEE programmes
Level: Year 2 undergraduate
Format: 2 taught modules, and a 5-day field course
Approximate number of students: 90
Module weighting and credit: 80% exam, 20% coursework (80% of coursework is assessed fieldwork, 20% of exam pertains to knowledge taught during fieldwork. There is a total contribution of 32%.)
Module ECTS: 5 ECTS
Module type: Core

More information

Interviewee: Jamie Standing (JS)
Second interviewee: James Lawrence (JL)