automatic pipette

Working with an automatic pipette 

Prevent repetitive injury while pipetting in the laboratory

Pipette Safety & Ergonomics

Overuse of an automatic pipette can cause teno-synovitis, a painful disabling inflammation of the thumb tendons. It can mean weeks away from experimental work, disrupting your research programme. Several cases occur every year amongst bio-medical researchers in College. 

Watch the video to learn how to avoid teno-synovitis.

Automatic pipettes

Organise your work

Plan things so that you will not be pipetting for more than 10-15 minutes at a stretch. This will reduce the hours spent on lab work without breaks.

  • Intersperse pipetting with other tasks
  • Alternate lab work with other activities
  • Take your breaks!

If you do have a long pipetting run, use an electronic pipette, or time it so that it is followed by a decent break— the last activity before your lunch-break, for example.

Lab Stretches

stretching after lab bench

Pipetting Techniques

Pipetting Techniques