Most departments take a structured approach to arranging tutorials, particularly tutorials with first year students. There are usually a set number of times you should meet with tutees and specific activities to be completed in each tutorial. These are designed to help students make the transition to university and to support them through the annual academic cycle.
In later years, tutees are expected to become increasingly autonomous. The Success Guide offers advice on how students can take ownership of this relationship.
Consult your Senior Tutor for details of the frequency and purpose of tutorial meetings.
Across Imperial, personal tutors arrange tutor-tutee meetings in a combination of the following ways. It is important that your tutees are exposed to the different types of tutorial as they have different purposes.
Tutor's tip and student perspective
Tutor's tip
"Keep tutorials responsive to students’ needs and take an interest in all personal tutees and their activities. This will ensure that the tutees continue to benefit from the system."
(Department of Chemical Engineering)
Student perspective
“She makes sure she meets her students often so she is able to build a relationship and get to know them. She makes sure she has appointments available every week if needs be.”