Senior Tutors

Your department’s Senior Tutor (UG) has overall responsibility for the academic and pastoral care of undergraduate students in the department. For postgraduate students, this role is fulfilled by your Senior Tutor (PG). These experienced colleagues will be able to guide and support you in handling individual student problems or queries, and you should consult them if you are uncertain of how to proceed or would value a second opinion. Except in the case of familiar or straightforward interactions, personal tutors are advised to keep the Senior Tutor informed of their actions or to discuss an individual case before taking action with a student. Find your Senior Tutor contacts.

Faculty Senior Tutors

The Senior Tutor team are supported by a Faculty Senior Tutor. The Faculty Senior Tutors have responsibility for ensuring the delivery of consistent, high quality support for students in their personal, general academic and professional development.  Working with and supporting personal tutors and Senior Tutors, they ensure that support systems are effective, that training is appropriate and that Imperial policies in student support are implemented. In addition, each Faculty Senior Tutor provides support to their senior tutors and directly to students who have more complex concerns or situations.

The Faculty Senior Tutors are available for additional support and guidance, augmenting the support that your department can provide for academic and personal matters. You may find a Faculty Senior Tutor particularly useful if you have a matter which you feel is highly sensitive or complicated, and wish to ensure that you will be talking to the right person or team to help you. The details of the Faculty Senior Tutors are in the table below.

Faculty Faculty Senior Tutor Email address
Business School Dr William Cox
Faculty of Engineering Dr Lorraine Craig
Faculty of Natural Sciences Professor Ingo Mueller-Wodarg
Faculty of Medicine Dr Jeffrey Vernon


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