News and Events
- Leroy attends ICES 2024 in Guangzhou with Ruizhi, gives plenary lecture and takes part in 'Face to face with the Editors' event, as Editor-in-Chief of Structures:
- Xin delivered a joint keynote with Prof Milan Veljkovic on metal additive manufacturing at HPSSRC Workshop III in Beijing, China:
- Dr Ben Weber successfully passed his viva!
- Drinks to welcome new PhD students to the group:
- The Steel Structures Research Group receives the Imperial President’s Award for Outstanding Research Team!
- Dr Harry Slack successfully passed his viva!
Leroy provided expert analysis of the Baltimore bridge collapse on the BBC and Sky News, and through other media, including the Metro, Times Radio, The Independent and the Mirror.
- Dr Zichang Yang successfully passed his viva!
- Starting the year with some group drinks:
- Pinelopi, Athina and Leroy win best paper prize at the Ninth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, held in Sydney in December. You can find a link to the related journal paper here.
- Members of the group attended the ICTWS2023 in Sydney in December:
- Leroy represents Tsinghua Faculty of Engineering in football match in October and collects trophy on behalf of winning team:
- Dr Aya Ahmed successfully passed her viva:
- Drinks to welcome new PhD students to the group:
- Members of the group attended Eurosteel 2023 in Amsterdam in September:
- Leroy was appointed Head of Structural Engineering Section!
- Dr Nathan Vella successfully passed his viva!
- Fiona was awarded an Imperial President's Award for Outstanding Assistant Supervisor and recognised as a RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year 2023
- Dr Xi Guo successfully passed his viva:
- Dr Yufei Zhu successfully passed her viva!
- Cheng, with co-authors Xin and Leroy, won the 2023 SSRC Vinnakota Award - Access the extended journal version of the paper here:
- Congratulations to Matthew Chan for first place in the poster category and to Ben Weber and Xi Guo for second and third place, respectively, in the oral category at the IStructE Young Researchers' Conference 2023.
- Xiang, Yufei, Zhongxing and Leroy received Best Paper Award 2022 (Steel and Space Structures category) in Engineering Structures for their paper 'Benchmark tests on high strength steel frames'.
- Starting the year with some group drinks:
- End of year festive celebrations:
- Dr Luke Lapira successfully passed his viva:
- Group drinks at Coco Momo in September:
- Dr Cheng Huang successfully passed his viva:
- Members of the group attended the Sixth International Stainless Steel Experts Seminar organised by the Steel Construction Institute and hosted at Imperial:
- Members of the group attended The International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (SDSS 2022) in Aveiro, Portugal in September:
- Leroy gives opening plenary talk at the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022) in Cape Town:
- Dr Ruizhi Zhang successfully passed her viva!

- Fiona (with co-authors Leroy and David) was awarded the Best Paper by a Young Researcher at Eurosteel 2021 - - Access to the extended journal version of our paper here
- Dr Chunyan Quan successfully passed her viva!
- Dr Constantinos Kyprianou successfully passed his viva!
- Ben was awarded 2nd prize at the Dutch Open Student STEEL Award 2021 organized by Bouwen met Staal in cooperation with TU Delft.
- Luke came 2nd for the best oral presentation at the IStructE 2021 Young Researchers' Conference
- Prof Leroy Gardner was elected to Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering - -

- Fiona was a finalist in the Engineering Sciences category at the online 2020 ABTA Doctoral Research Awards competition on 12th Sept 2020.
- Leroy Gardner, Andreas Fieber and Lorenzo Macorini awarded the Structures Best Research into Practice Paper Prize 2020 for 'Formulae for calculating elastic local buckling stresses of full structural cross-sections -
- Dr Kaidong Wu successfully passed his viva!


Members of the group attended the Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures in Hong Kong.

Leroy, Craig, Wing and Gordon, together with their project partners at MX3D, Arup and Autodesk, win an award in the Research Development: Creating the Future category at this year's New Civil Engineer Festival of Innovation and Technology - Techfest for their work on the MX3D Bridge - The world's first metal 3D printed bridge. The work at Imperial has been supported by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, the Alan Turing Institute and EPSRC

Members of the group attended the Eighth International Conference on Thin-Wlled Structures in Lisbon.
Congratulations to Wing for winning the Imperial Graduate School PhD Summer Showcase Poster Competition

Andrew Liew, Leroy Gardner and Philippe Block awarded Structures Best Research Paper Prize 2018
Pinelopi and Craig attended the 2018 ABTA Doctoral Research Awards competition at University College London (UCL) on 12th May 2018 and were both awarded an Honourable Mention Award for their contributions in the field of Engineering
Congratulations to Craig who was jointly awarded the 2018 Unwin Award for Best thesis.
IStructE Young Researchers' Conference 2018:
Leroy, Craig and Wing attended the MX3D Bridge Partner Meeting in Amsterdam. Find out more about the project and our involvement here.

Prof. Leroy Gardner was awarded the prestigious IABSE Prize 2017 ‘in recognition of his outstanding contributions to structural engineering in the areas of structural steel research, code development and teaching’. Leroy was presented the prize at the 39th IABSE Symposium in Vancouver in September 2017.
Members of the Steel Structures group, led by Prof. Leroy Gardner, are currently working with The Alan Turing Institute and the 3D printing company MX3D on the world's first metal 3D printed bridge due to be installed across a canal in Amsterdam next year. The team are working on a 'digital twin' of the bridge using FE modelling, as well as testing samples of the 3D printed steel, to anticipate the behaviour of the bridge under loading from pedestrian or cycling traffic and inform its design. Find out more here and watch some of the work in action here.
The Fifth International Experts Seminar: Stainless Steel in Structures was held at Imperial College in September and a number of the group attended and presented their work.
Members of the group attended the Eighth European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures in Copenhagen.
Professor Leroy Gardner awarded the IABSE prize 2017 by The International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering -
IStructE Young Researchers' Conference 2017:
Members of the group attended the Eighth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures in Hong Kong.
Dr Jie Wang successfully passed her PhD viva!
IStructE Young Researchers Conference 2016
Eighth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures in Lisbon, Portugal - 21-24 July 2015
IStructE Young Researchers Conference 2015
Dr Andrew Foster passed his PhD viva and has joined DNV GL - Oil & Gas
The 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures was organised by Dr Leroy Gardner at Imperial College London on 12th - 14th September 2012. A number of papers were presented by members of the Steel Structures Group at Imperial. Below, at the conference dinner, left to right, Ahmer Wadee, Leroy Gardner, Murray Ellen, Quique Mirambell, Esther Real.
Within the general area of steel structures, there are numerous ongoing research projects and opportunities for collaboration. Applications are welcome at any time of year.
Enquiries may be made to