Making Waves

Staff and students from the National Heart and Lung Institute who are making an impact and inspiring our community

Kiran Patel in lab holding saxophone and mala beadsKiran Patel in lab holding saxophone and mala beads
Sometimes our stories make us stronger.  

This is what one of our contributors said to me during her interview, and I couldn’t have summed up Making Waves any better. This project sets out to showcase the people behind the great science and teaching that the National Heart and Lung Institute is known for.

The founding premise of this project was that anyone should be able to look at these portraits and see themselves. So that everyone can know they are welcome, and they belong in science and at NHLI. 

Each person we feature was asked to choose three objects to represent who they are or what they believe is important, to feature in the portrait with them. 

Thanks to all the contributors who kindly shared their thoughts and stories with us. 

Sometimes our stories make us stronger.

Click below to hear their stories

Anna Randi leans against deskAnna Randi leans against desk


Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
Anna Randi

"Women’s rights are human rights, so unless you are against the basic principle of equality on which our civil society is based, you are a feminist"

Shyreen stands in lab with tennis racquet smilingShyreen stands in lab with tennis racquet smiling


PhD student
Shyreen Hassibi

"It's good to play sports, it opens my mind. If I have a writing block, I do tend to get an idea while I'm playing"


Education Manager
Katerina Koutsantoni

"I speak very quietly, everyone tells me that, and I really do think it is because of my parents being profoundly deaf."


Clinical Research Fellow
Kiran Haresh Kumar Patel

"My spirituality has always been something that I can fall back on as a source of comfort, but also inspires confidence in me. I think it's quite a personal thing, but it's been my bedrock and continues to be my inspiration"


Professor of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine 
Sejal Saglani

"Without teamwork and support from everyone in my Section, I would not be a successful leader, but I also don't think any of the Principal Investigators would be as successful in their research"


Senior Research Technician 
Simone Walker 

"You can learn everything in a book, and it can open up your whole world to so much."


Clinical Research Fellow
Aaron Braddy-Green

"With the RAF Air Cadets I get to invest time into worthy young adults and hopefully inspire others."


BHF Research Fellow
Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala  

"Having a good work life balance is important. Family and friends bring you back down to what it's all about, and ultimately make you more productive at work"


Professor of Mucosal Immunology 
Cecilia Johansson 

"Mentoring enables other scientists to grow - it’s really part of our job. A bit of your time can make a large impact"

Maike and Salina 

PhD students
Maike Haensel and Salina Nicoleau

"Coming from an international background has forged who we are - open minded and accepting of other cultures"