
MSc Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies

Suneel outside Dalby Court

My research interest is engineered cell therapies for cancer, which I was inspired by during my undergraduate degree. I met a paediatric patient who had no therapeutic options. This inspired me to research about novel treatment options which were mostly available outside of India, where I’m from.

I did some research and found out about a few breakthrough therapies in cancer research, including Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cell therapies for cancer, which I started learning about through research papers and books.

Finding the perfect course

I looked for courses that would help me get into my dream research interest. I was looking for courses in the UK and the US and found the Imperial College London website. I saw the course: MSc Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies, which was exactly what I was looking for. It felt like a course tailored for me.

I did some research into Imperial and saw that every year it ranks highly in league tables. I also looked into the research facilities and thought it looked like one of the best. I wanted to get into research and exposure with top researchers in the field, so Imperial was the best place for me to apply to!

Being awarded multiple scholarships

One of the reasons I chose to come to Imperial is the financial support I’ve received. I was lucky enough to be awarded multiple scholarships that pay for my tuition fees, without which I wouldn’t be able to be here pursuing my research interests.

I also have a part-time job at the weekends to help support living in London. The capital is such a vibrant place to live, you can meet and interact with so many people from all across the world.

I’ve been to some really exciting events at Imperial as a scholarship recipient, one of which I had the privilege of meeting the Indian High Commissioner.

Looking to the future

After my Master’s I’d like to go into research and get real-world work experience. I’ve started applying for research positions in academia as well as in industry. Further down the line, I’m thinking about doing a PhD, but only once I’ve got the relevant experience.

The Careers Service helped me when I was starting to look for jobs. I booked an appointment with a Careers Consultant and took my CV, cover letter and job advert to them. They helped me highlight the key things I needed to mention, explaining that the CV and cover letter need to complement each other, and everything needs to be tailored to the job.

One of the most rewarding parts of being at Imperial is the interactions I’ve been able to have with my peers, faculty members and researchers. Everyone is so knowledgeable about what they’re doing, and it gives you different perspectives on things. That’s what I’ll miss the most when I leave – the interactions you can have, the atmosphere of Imperial and the whole learning experience I’ve had over the last twelve months.

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