Improving equality, diversity and inclusion

Hannah Bannister, Student Services and Lizzie Burrows, Academic Services

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Hannah Bannister, Director of Student Services and Lizzie Burrows, Director of Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions discuss the positive impact the staff survey has had within Academic Services and how this would not have been possible without staff using the survey to provide feedback. 

Hannah Bannister, Academic Services 

“Following the staff survey in 2022, Academic Services have implemented a number of initiatives as a result of staff feedback. These have varied from introducing an EDI steering group with representation from across the directorate, to local level actions such as the ‘Ask Lizzie’ form for staff within Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions.    

The staff survey was crucial in highlighting EDI as a common area for improvement across Academic Services and has led to a tangible change in the form of an EDI steering group.   

“We had an overwhelming response to the call out for volunteers and as a directorate we have now established a steering group and a reference group with representation from across the division. The group aims to support and advocate for change across Academic Services.  

“The steering group has met three times and we have successfully mapped out how the group will work in line with our Imperial Values. Looking ahead we are working on mapping the staff journey in Academic Services through an EDI lens, from recruitment to retention, reward and promotion.  

“I would encourage all staff to complete the 2024 survey, because the more people who complete it, the better the information we've got to work from.”

Lizzie Burrows, Director of the Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Division

“The Marketing Recruitment and Admissions Division have set up a staff survey action group to discuss the themes that came out of the survey and to propose key action points. The progress of each action is visible to all staff in MRA via our MS Teams channel. We try to track this at every MRA Monthly meeting to ensure we sharing progress.   

“The action group has helped bring the team together to discuss changes. We’ve been able to think creatively as a team about how to improve the way we work, and not just senior leadership. It also holds us accountable and allows us to take action on things that matter to our Division.  

“One of smaller initiatives put in place was the ‘Ask Lizzie’ form which allows any member of MRA to ask me a question, propose an initiative or idea or give a comment anonymously. This has helped raise awareness of any potential issues without the stigma of having to make yourself known. When a comment is made, I always try and address it head on in our weekly briefings that their opinion has been heard and it is discussed about potential ways forward in our leadership team meetings.  

I have found Ask Lizzie such a valuable tool. I never know who has sent in comments unless someone chooses to put their name (though a good proportion now choose to). It’s a risk-free way of being able to give feedback without any judgement. The response to this has been really positive. 

“To be able to deliver the right change across Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions, I need to be able to hear from as many people as possible in the staff survey, from across all my teams.”