Mental health at work

Angela Kehoe, Head of HR (Natural Sciences & Progression)

Angela Kehoe

Angela Kehoe, Head of HR (Natural Sciences & Progression), Human Resources Division, led work on mental and physical wellbeing in the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Finding help with wellbeing at work 

“In the last Staff Survey, staff told us that they didn’t know where they could get support for mental and physical wellbeing. There was something similar after the 2017 Survey and we produced a paper card with information on where to go for help that included: occupational health, bullying and harassment, mental health, and information on EDIC and POD.

"But things have moved on, so we created an electronic version that could be emailed out and displayed on screens around the faculty, and on the website. We also drafted an email for the Dean to send out, which had the electronic version of the card attached, so people can look back in their inbox.”

See the Health and wellbeing card below:

A list of health and wellbeing support at Imperial: occupational health; harassment and bullying support; confidential care; mental health first aid; human resources; and staff supporters

Focusing on mental health 

“We also continued our relationship with MIND, the mental health charity. Our relationship with MIND went back a few years, but after COVID we’d lost continuity. So, we got someone from MIND to come in and run in-person workshops for staff.

"These were three-hour sessions, and covered such topics as understanding your own mental health triggers, and also how to identify if a colleague may be having difficulties. In addition, we also offered one of MIND’s online courses, as well as engaging an external trainer in to run courses that combined bullying and harassment, with active bystander training.” 

“Feedback received on both the electronic card and the various workshops was positive.” 

Reinforcing the messaging 

“The scores in the Staff Survey showed an improvement from the previous survey, but there still seemed to be a bit of work to be done. I think, going forward, it's about really reinforcing the message, and reminding people that there is a wealth of resources available.

The proof will be in the pudding when we get the results of this next Staff Survey.”