Our Governance structure enables staff and students from across College to contribute towards our strategic direction and the development of our provision.  It also assures the quality of our teaching.  Our future engagement with the Researcher Development Committee’s External Advisory Board will provide an opportunity to share best practice and to take advice from external stakeholders.   

In addition to our internal Governance structure, the Director of the Graduate School Chairs the Postgraduate Research Quality Committee and the Deputy Director of the Graduate School Chairs the CDT DTP Governance Committee.  We are also represented at the Education and Student Experience Committee,  the University Research and Enterprise Board, the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and the Senate.   

Read more about the remit of our Committees below.   

Graduate School Governance Committees

Strategic Planning and Operations Committee

Overall purpose: 

A termly meeting to provide leadership and direction for all Graduate School provision.  All Graduate School meetings and Committee are conducted with the Imperial Values and Behaviours in mind.  

Terms of reference

  1. To approve Graduate School Strategic Plans. 
  2. To approve the Graduate School’s Risk Register and Business Continuity Plan.
  3. To approve the Graduate School’s operational policies and procedures.
  4. To provide oversight of the quality of all Graduate School programmes, including professional skills, Cornerstone and Activate.
  5. To approve proposals for new courses and major modifications to all Graduate School programmes, including professional skills, Cornerstone and Activate.
  6. To consider recommendations made by the Researcher Development Committee’s External Advisory Board.
  7. To receive updates on Committees and Working Parties which members of the Graduate School lead or contribute towards.
  8. To advise on and receive updates about Graduate School projects.
  9. To approve the annual cycle of Graduate School events.
  10. To approve applications for the PG Community Fund and associated Blogs.
  11. To approve the Graduate School’s student survey action plans (Student Experience Survey (SES), Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)).
  12. To report to the Postgraduate Development and Experience Committee.
Learning and Teaching Group

Overall purpose

This group meets nine times per academic session to share best practice with respect to learning and teaching and to review the quality of education provision within the Graduate School.   All Graduate School meetings and Committee are conducted with the Imperial Values and Behaviours in mind. 

 Terms of reference

  1. To review the design of new Graduate School workshops and courses, sharing best practice and providing feedback prior to pilot.
  2. To review the outcome of pilot Graduate School workshops & courses (professional skills, Cornerstone and Activate), recommending actions, as appropriate.
  3. To approve minor changes to Graduate School workshops and courses.
  4. At its autumn meetings, to consider programme annual reports and recommending action, as appropriate.
  5. To receive updates on the MARS programme.
  6. To receive updates on the Graduate School’s contribution towards the Imperial Award.
  7. To receive updates on Graduate School projects.
  8. To consider matters relating to Inkpath
  9. To share best practice with respect to learning from conferences and scholarly activities.
  10. To report to the Strategic Planning and Operations Group (SPOC).


Team Meeting

Overall purpose

This group meets three times per academic session, with the summer meeting reserved for the Graduate School Team Away Day.  Its purpose is to consider all staff related business.  All Graduate School meetings and Committee are conducted with the Imperial Values and Behaviours in mind. 

Terms of reference 

  1. To receive an update on the Imperial Values Champion
  2. To consider and approve the Staff Survey Action Plan
  3. To review ways in which staff are recognized for their valuable contribution towards the work of the Graduate School and across College.
  4. To review compliance with the Imperial Essentials mandatory training requirement
  5. To consider a termly report of staff engagement with scholarly activity and professional development
  6. To consider matters relating to office space and any health and safety concerns
  7. To report to the Strategic Planning and Operations Group.
Postgraduate Development & Experience Committee

Overall purpose  

To advise the Graduate School on the development of professional skills training for the College’s postgraduate students and other provision to enhance the overall training experience at College.  

The Committee will meet annually in late January each year to allow time for the Graduate School to implement changes for the forthcoming academic session and to feed into the College’s Annual Planning Round in Spring.  

All Graduate School meetings and Committee are conducted with the Imperial Values and Behaviours in mind. 

Terms of Reference:  

  1. To advise on the development of an innovative and inclusive programme of professional skills training for the College’s postgraduate students. 
  2. To ensure the programme of professional skills training meets the needs of students and the College’s academic Departments.  
  3. To advise on PG community development. 
  4. To consider advice and good practice demonstrated by the CDTS/DTPs. 
  5. To consider recommendations and advice from the Researcher Development Committee’s External Advisory Board. 
  6. To report to the Postgraduate Research Quality Committee (PRQC).  
CDT DTP Governance Committee

Terms of Reference 

  • To provide support and share good practice across doctoral training partnerships (DTPs) and centres for doctoral training (CDTs). 
  • On an annual basis, to receive and ratify the membership and terms of reference of CDT and DTP industrial/external advisory boards. 
  • To coordinate the programme of support for new CDT and DTP bids and renewal applications for existing programmes.  This includes: 
    •  the provision of College-level information to support applications 
    • organisation of specific meetings to address queries on the submission process and applications 
    • coordination of a critical review draft submissions – Directors will be invited to critically review one application each and to provide feedback 
    • coordination of mock interviews  
  •  To consider feedback from mid-term and annual reviews 
  •  To support the CDT Festival of Science and receive an annual report on this from the Student Organising Committee. 
  •  To enhance the experience of postgraduate students on DTPs and CDTs. 
  •  To receive relevant papers and minutes from the Graduate School’s Postgraduate Development and Experience Committee (PDEC) and the College’s Postgraduate Research Quality Committee (PRQC). 
  •  To report to the PRQC, the Graduate School’s Strategic Development and Operations Committee (SPOC), the Research Councils and funding bodies as appropriate.