To help you signpost your students to the wellbeing resources that best suit their individual needs an overview of the sources of support available for students is provided in the Signposting PGR Support section of the Cornerstone website.

The Graduate School delivers an Academic Resilience Course in partnership with colleagues at Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice. Further information on wellbeing issues and sources of support are provided below.

Crisis Management

The Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service

The Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service offers therapeutic consultations to all registered students at Imperial College London.  From this, students can be offered further counselling with the service.  It is free and confidential.  To make an appointment to meet with a counsellor, students can register with the service through the website.  

Students need to be referred by a member of College staff, with the student’s permission, in order to be seen by the SMHA. The SMHA is unable to take self-referrals from students or their family and friends.

The Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service also delivers workshops on relaxation, self-esteem, procrastination and mindfulness.  

The service also offers consultation with staff who are concerned about a student’s wellbeing.  Without the student’s consent, this conversation must be kept anonymous to honour the student’s confidentiality.   

Transition and culture shock

Settling into life at Imperial can be challenging for any student and may be even more so for those also getting used to life in the UK.  The links to ideas and resources below should be useful when supporting your students with this process:

Crisis management & mental health related crisis

Concerned about a student’s wellbeing or safety?

If you have concerns about the wellbeing or safety of a friend, there are a number of options, depending on the circumstances. Follow the link for further information.

Centre for Academic English

The Centre for Academic English (CfAE) offers a range of free courses at all levels to help all PhD students, both native and non-native speakers, communicate their research as accurately and professionally as possible. The Centre’s provision also includes courses that focus on enhancing students’ ability to present their work with more impact in the wider academic community, particularly in relation to publications and conference papers.

All new postgraduate research students who are not native speakers of English must fulfil the Imperial College London Postgraduate English Requirement (PGR) as soon as possible after fully registering onto their PhD programme.  This requirement is separate from, and in addition to, meeting the College entry requirements (IELTS, TOEFL, etc).  Students should take the first available initial assessment (English Assessment 1), and, on the basis of the outcome of this assessment, particular writing classes are recommended. For those students who score either Level 1 or Level 2,  a further assessment (English Assessment 2) at the ESA stage is conducted in order to ascertain their progress and whether they still need more support with their writing from the CfAE.


English language courses and consultations offered by the CfAE include:

  • PhD technical speaking courses
  • Listening and speaking courses
  • Communicating Science Successfully sessions One-to-one consultations
Postgraduate student representation

Each department will have a research student representative network.  Additionally, each Faculty has its own Postgraduate Staff-Student Committee. 

Alcohol and drugs

Your student, or a friend of theirs, might disclose substance misuse to you or you might spot signs yourself. 

Signs of substance misuse (eg alcohol dependency, the abuse of prescribed drugs and the use of illegal drugs) include:

  • Worsening health;
  • Missing tutorials, being absent from the lab / office;
  • Consistently achieving less than expected;
  • Deteriorating concentration, lack of judgement, inability to make decisions;
  • Unpredictable or inappropriate behaviour;
  • Relationship problems;
  • Worsening appearance - looking tired, messy etc.;
  • Not admitting to the negative issues associated with substance misuse;
  • Problems with money.

(Thanks to Reading University for source material for these points)

What should you do?

If a student discloses to you, listen to the student’s concerns and help them to find the right sources of support and guidance.

If you suspect there might be a problem, contact the student and ask them to meet with you to explore whether they are OK.  You might need to chase them up.  At this meeting you might explain the benefits of seeking help and refer them to relevant sources of support and guidance.

Do not hesitate to seek advice from your Senior Tutor (PGR), the Counselling Service or Health Centre.  You can do this without referring to the student by name. Student Support Zone's Drugs and Alcohol pages are also useful.

You may also wish to consult the Student Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy.

Zero tolerance to bullying and harassment

Imperial is committed to promoting a university environment where everyone is treated with respect and courtesy.

We all have our part to play in showing respect for others. This involves discouraging harassment, bullying and victimisation by making it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable, and supporting those who suffer from it and who are considering making a formal complaint.

The College’s Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation Policy on these issues frames them unequivocally as serious matters which are not acceptable and must be dealt with firmly. These behaviours can happen between students and between a student and a staff member.

There can be a gradation, starting with unpleasant and rude behaviour, going through to very serious and even criminal behaviour and anyone investigating a case will need to determine where on the spectrum the problem stands. The policy indicates that if a student feels harassed, bullied or victimised, he or she should seek advice immediately, either from the Imperial College Union Advice Centre  or from someone such as a Senior Tutor (PGR). 

If you are involved in one of these cases as a supervisor, the first thing to do is listen and be supportive. The student is likely to be hurt, vulnerable and anxious. 

Investigations may be carried out by a Head of Department or another senior member of College staff, depending on the circumstances. Even if a case is investigated, mediation is the preferred way of dealing with the outcome, but disciplinary measures will be used if necessary.


All students are encouraged to register with a local NHS doctor (GP) as soon as possible. Information on finding a doctor can be found on the Student Support Zone website.

If you notice a change in a student’s physical appearance that might suggest that they are unwell, you are encouraged to have a confidential conversation with them based on your observations.  For example, you could say, “I notice that you look unusually tired.  Are you feeling OK?”

If a student is absent and does not respond to an email enquiring as to their wellbeing and whereabouts, advise your Senior Tutor (PGR). 

More health advice for students can be found at Imperial  Student Support Zone's health pages.

Relationships and family

Problems at home or within relationships can put great pressure on students and distract them from their work.  The most helpful thing you can do is listen, without making assumptions, and give the student time and space to air their concerns.  Then ask them what they want to do about the issue, if anything, and how you could be of assistance, to avoid falling into the trap of giving your student your solution to their problem.

You should not share any information about an Imperial student outside the College, without their explicit written consent

Imperial Student Support Zone has advice on bereavement and family issues

StandAlone has specific advice for students who have no contact with their families.

Imperial can offer a range of support to those students having spent at least 3 months in local authority care, which may include foster care, or living in a residential care home. You can access further information on the range of support available on the Care Leavers webpages.

Sexual violence

Sexual violence can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, class or background.  If a student discloses to you that they have experienced sexual violence, it is important that you listen to them in an open and non-judgemental way.  You should reassure the student that there is support available at the College and through external specialist services.  Allow the student to guide you as to what kind of support they want from you.

Imperial has a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) who can provide students with confidential care 1-2-1 support and information.  You should let the student know about the availability of support through the SVLOs, although it is completely up to the student whether they choose to use the service.

You can also refer to the Sexual Violence pages for more information about sexual violence and support.

Urgent Help

If a student need medical treatment or is in immediate danger call: 

  • 999 for the emergency services (off campus)
  • 4444 for Security (on campus)

If a student needs urgent advice but does not want to contact the police at this time you can call:

  • The Havens – 020 3299 6900 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • NHS 111 non-emergency service to find your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Service

Wellbeing for students

Professor Wright on some of the issues affecting PhD student

In the next video, we asked Professor Denis Wright, Department of life Sciences, to talk about his role within College and some of the issues affecting PhD students.

Prof Wright on some of the issues affecting PhD students

Professor Wright on some of the issues affecting PhD student

Professor Wright on some of the issues affecting PhD students

In the next video, we asked Professor Denis Wright, Department of life Sciences, to talk about his role within College and some of the issues affecting PhD students.

The provision available to non-native speaking students.

The provision available to non-native speaking students.

The provision available to non-native speaking students.

Dr Julie King, Director, Centre for Academic English, Imperial College London, talks about the services provided by the Centre for Academic English to support non-native speaking students.

Wellbeing Support Services

The Student Counselling Service offers brief counselling to all registered students of Imperial College London. It is free and confidential.

Student Support Zone provides students with helpful information on maintaining a healthy work-life balance, about dealing with isolation, homesickness, stress, family issues, personal issues, identity and perfectionism, amongst other items. 

Move Imperial is also available to all students of the College.  The website provides further details of activities and events open to all.