Key Information

Tutors: Dr Caroline Hargreaves, Dr Paul Seldon, Dr Victoria Crossley with doctoral alumni guests and Engagement and Careers Service Consultants.
Course LevelLevel 3
Course Credit1 Credit


  • Thursday 14 November & Friday 15 November 2024
    10:00-18:00, Zoom

  • Wednesday 12 March & Thursday 13 March 2025
    10:00-18:00, Zoom

  • Thursday 15 May & Friday 16 May 2025
    09:20-18:00, South Kensington
Book your place via Inkpath

Finish Up Move On + (FUMO +) is a Times Higher award-winning course and develops invaluable skills for Doctoral students, to prepare for next steps. It gives an overview of what you need to know to successfully complete your research and move on to the next phase of your career, whatever that might be.  

You will need to dedicate a total time of two working days to complete this course, which includes: 

  • preparatory  activities (~1h30) to complete on Blackboard before the live course and to engage with during the course: you will receive the credit by participating in all preparatory and live course activities and either:
  • a non-residential live face-to-face course or 
  • a five-part online live course for mid to late-stage PhD & MD(Res) students (see timetables below). 

The two day programme is full and varied and includes time for reflection, discussion and practical exercises. We have speakers from Societal Engagement and the Careers Service, and at the end of the first day, a networking panel or online Q&A event gives students the opportunity to talk to other students and two or three Doctoral graduates now working in industry and academia.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course and using the course materials you will be better able to: 

  • Identify the benefits of and recognise roles, in the viva
  • Prepare and practise for the Viva
  • Recognise  and evidence the impact of your research
  • Recognise skills and or attributes useful for moving on
  • Identify key career resources for planning and applying for the next phase of your career.

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On



Timetable (Online version)


Day One - Finish Up
Time Platform Activity



Part 1: Introductions, 
Self-Awareness for your Career, 
Recognising Attributes


Zoom Part 2: Finishing Up Preparing for Your Viva
 17:00-18:00 Zoom  

Part 3: Next Phase (Exploring Options)
Virtual Networking

Finish Up

Day Two - Move On
Time Platform Activity


Zoom Part 4: Recognising and Evidencing Impact


Zoom Part 5: Next Phase (Resources for planning and applying for the next phase of your career)
Move On
Timetable (Face-to-Face version)


Day One - Finish Up (09:20-18:00)
Time Activity
09:20 Introduction and Course Essentials
10.10  Recognising Attributes: Working with Others
11.45  BREAK
12.00  Self-Awareness for your Career
13.00  LUNCH
13.45  Finishing Up the Viva
15.00  BREAK
15.10  Your Viva
17.05  Next Phase (Exploring Options)
18.00  Close Day 1
Finish Up

Day Two - Move On (09:20-16:00)
Time Activity
09:20 Moving On
09:45  Recognising Impact and its Value
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Evidencing Impact through Engagement
12:30 LUNCH
13:30 Next Phase (Resources for planning and applying for the next phase of your career)
15:35  Action Planning
16:00 Course Ends
Move On