Examiners answer key questions about what happens before and during the Viva process.  

Watch the videos below to learn more. 

The Basics

What is a Viva?

What is a Viva?

What is a Viva?

Defining a Viva

How to prepare for your Viva

How to prepare for your Viva

Preparation tips for your Viva

What to take into your Viva

What to take into your Viva

Practical advice

How to deal with nerves

How to deal with nerves

Examiners reflect on handling nerves

Will my supervisor attend?

Will my supervisor attend?

The role of the supervisor

How long does a Viva last?

How long does a Viva last?

Viva duration

Welcome and Discussion

What are the roles of the examiners?

What are the roles of the examiners?

What are the roles of the examiners?

Examiner roles

What do examiners look for in a Thesis?

What do examiners look for in a Thesis?

Reflections on the Thesis

How do the examiners review the thesis to generate questions

How do the examiners review the thesis to generate questions

Generating questions

How will the examiners initiate discussion?

How will the examiners initiate discussion?

The Viva process

What are the examiners looking for in a candidate?

What are the examiners looking for in a candidate?

Reflections on the candidate

What if a student doesn’t know the answer to a question?

What if a student doesn’t know the answer to a question?

Dealing with difficult questions

Can students request a break?

Can students request a break?

Requesting a break


How does the Viva end?

How does the Viva end?

How does the Viva end?

Concluding the exam

What are the Viva outcomes?

What are the Viva outcomes?

Discussing the six possible outcomes