Key Information

Tutor:  Chris Cooling
Course Level: Level 2 
Course Credit:1 credit 
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python is essential. Ideally an attendee will have used Python intensively for at least three months prior to attending this course. Basic knowledge of the command line is essential. Python users who are already familiar with the topics covered will gain less from this course.
Duration: 2 x 2 hour sessions
Format:Live online or live face to face with hands-on practice

Python is a highly adaptable and versatile language that can be customised and run in several different ways. This flexibility allows advanced users to achieve great things with Python but can prove confusing for a novice. This course aims to demystify some common terms which arise when using Python and give attendees some experience in managing and running Python in different ways.

This course covers terms like “kernel”, “environment”, “package”, and “package manager” and helps attendees identify how to use these features more effectively in their own projects. The course also covers multiple ways of running Python programs including the command line, from within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and from a Jupyter Notebook. The course also gives attendees experience in using different command line arguments to manipulate how their program runs and how to write Python code which can read command line arguments and use them to control its behaviour. The course will cover the use of both Anaconda and standalone Python installations.


  • Managing Python installations and environments
  • Using package managers and packages
  • Editing and running Python code using different applications
  • Useful Python commands for the command line
  • Reading command line arguments from scripts

This course will explore the above topics using a variety of tools, including Anaconda, Conda, standalone Python installations, Pip, venv, Jupyter Notebook, Colab and Visual Studio Code.

The course will be delivered through a combination of written material, demonstrations and hands-on practicals.

Learning outcomes: 

After completing this workshop, you will be better able to:
  • Describe the terms “installation”, “environment”, “package”, and “kernel” in relation to Python
  • Manage Python installations and environments
  • Utilise Jupyter Notebooks and IDEs to create and run Python code
  • Create basic Python programs which use command line options

Dates & Booking Information

  • Monday 28 October 2024 (Part 1) & Thursday 31 October 2024 (Part 2), 14:00-16:00, South Kensington (In-Person Teaching)

  • Monday 14 April 2025 (Part 1) & Tuesday 15 April 2025 (Part 2), 14:00-16:00, Microsoft Teams

To book your place, please follow the booking process advertised on the main programme page