Key Information

Tutor: Ann Brew & Nicole Urquhart (Library Services)
Course Level: Level 1
Course Credit: 1 credit


  • Tue 29 October 2024, 15:00-16:00, South Kensington Campus
  • Mon 13 January 2025, 14:00-15:00, MS Teams
  • Tue 13 May 2025, 15:00-16:00, South Kensington Campus

The Web of Science Core Collection database (part of the Web of Science platform) covers all areas of science including medicine, plus social sciences and humanities. It allows citation searching (locating references based on how documents have been cited) as well as traditional subject searching. Web of Science Core Collection is an important search tool and information from this database is used to generate journal Impact Factors. This hour-long hands-on workshop will introduce you to some of the key features of Web of Science. We will also take a brief look at its sister database, Journal Citation Reports.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify which features are useful for your research.
  • Recognise the reason why citation searching is useful.
  • Employ effective result filtering techniques.
  • Develop an ability to searching the Web of Science Core Collection database, introduction to search techniques.
  • Assess the quality of journals and be able to take into account Journal Impact Factors.

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.