Imperial-TUM-NTU Global Fellows Programme:
Data-driven innovations for zero pollution mobility | 08-12 July 2024

Imperial College London will host the 4th trilateral Global Fellows Programme in partnership with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). The in-person programme will be from the 8th to the 12th July 2024 and an online Welcome Event will be held on the morning of 25th June 2024. This programme will take place in London, hosted by Imperial College London. 

In the current scientific environment international and interdisciplinary collaborations and networking are fundamental to developing successful projects. In a competitive research environment funding bodies increasingly look for interdisciplinary, collaborative research with partners from around the world. The modern researcher requires both excellence in research and strong professional collaborative competencies.

Over the course of one week approximately 40 doctoral researchers from NTU, TUM and Imperial will develop collaborative interdisciplinary competencies and intercultural awareness required to establish and continue successful collaborations.

During this 5-day programme, participants will work in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups, assisted by a coach from one of the partner universities. During the programme, participants will enhance:

  • Their competencies to work collaboratively on research ideas
  • Their competencies to network and communicate effectively and with impact in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups
  • Their intercultural and international competency and awareness
  • Their creativity to develop collaborative research ideas
  • Their appreciation of research in international institutions

Participants will also engage in intercultural and interdisciplinary discussions under the programme theme “Data-driven innovations for zero pollution mobility” and will develop creative innovations to address global challenges under the programme theme.

Guest speakers from Imperial, NTU and TUM will provide participants with insights into current research (but not limited to) within the topics of the programme, to inspire the development of creative solutions. The programme will also provide opportunities for groups to consider the social and ethical aspects of any proposed solutions.

A background on the subject is not essential, doctoral candidates from any discipline are invited to apply for this 5-day professional development course.

This is a chance to challenge yourself outside of your normal working environment, meet people from other disciplines and cultures, and have fun!

Any additional queries not answered in the webpage, please contact

Student Experiences:

"I was able to learn and gain new perspectives from other disciplines to influence my own research"

"Learnt a lot about my group members and provided self reflection"

"Provided some really interesting insights into the differences between research institutions. Opportunities for networking and collaboration were also great"

You can read student experiences of previous Global Fellows Programmes on this webpage.

Further Information

Programme Information

Tackling transport pollution is a complex challenge that goes beyond tackling exhaust emissions. Mobility involves all aspects related to the movement of people, goods and services, contributing to the planning, design, operations and management of infrastructures, for the promotion of the health and wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants. 

Innovations range from radical new technologies to innovative methods of infrastructure operations and management, to novel insights into behaviour change and societal engagement techniques and improved methods for the assessment of impacts. External partnership across the research, business, government, media and quasi-governmental sectors, and public engagement is crucial. It is also critical, at the innovation stage, to examine stakeholders’ abilities to adopt and deploy data-driven zero-pollution mobility solutions*.

*Adapted from:


Imperial College London participants must:

  • Be a current doctoral student from any discipline (note: this programme is not open to MRes students).
  • Be between 6 and 30 months into their PhD at the time the programme takes place (6 and 48 months for part-time students).
  • Be able to commit to the entirety of the programme (8th-12th July 2024) including the online welcome session on the morning of 25th June 2024.
  • Not have taken part in a previous Imperial College Global Fellows Programmes.

This programme counts towards the attendance requirement for the PhD Early Assessment and Late Stage Review at Imperial College London.

Application process

Doctoral students should apply via the application form by 11am on Wednesday 31st January 2024.

In their application, applicants should:

  • show their awareness of competencies and skills needed to develop international collaborations
  • explain what they expect to contribute to and gain from the programme
  • demonstrate enthusiasm for engaging with international peers from the partner universities
  • explain how their current competencies, skills and knowledge (e.g. communication skills, adaptability, technical skills, creativity) can support the development of innovations linked to “Data-driven innovations for zero pollution mobility”
  • show their willingness to be an ambassador for Imperial College London
  • show their willingness to share their experiences on the programme within the Imperial College London post-graduate community after the programme.

Application outcomes will be shared within 6 weeks of the application deadline.

Note: Due to the large volume of applications received it is not possible to provide feedback on individual applications. It is recommended to seek feedback via the Careers service 1-2-1 appointments.

Practical Details
  • The GFP takes place from Monday 8th July - Friday 12th July 2024 and there will be an online Welcome Event as part of the programme on the morning of 25th June 2024.
  • The GFP is an intense 5-day programme, participants must be committed to all 5 days of the programme and benefit most when they take leave from their usual workload. We recommend that you discuss the time commitment involved with your supervisor in advance. Supervisors must have agreed to your participation in the programme.
  • The programme will take place in London on Imperial College London South Kensington Campus (4 days) and the White City campus (1 day).
  • Lunch will be provided on programme days during the week.
  • Programme days are expected to be 9am - 5pm with evening events planned for the Monday and Friday.
Research Visits - Funding

Global Fellows Programme participants may also be interested to apply to the separate Imperial Global Fellows Fund, a new scheme to support high impact international placements for PhD students in labs at Imperial’s strategic international partners. Students, with support of their PhD supervisor and host supervisor, will have the opportunity to spend between 1 and 3 months at an eligible partner institution. NTU and TUM are both included as possible partner institutions.

Placements much be completed during the 2023/24 academic year and all grant funds spent by 31 August 2024. The International Relations Office will provide top-up funding equal to the cost of living grant provided by the Turing scheme. Applications are now open and will be reviewed on 27 November 2023. If funding remains, an additional review will be scheduled for Spring 2023.

For more information on eligibility, funding, partners and the application process, please visit the Global Fellows webpage here. 

Please note, this opportunity is separate to the Global Fellows Programme and requires a separate application. Please see link above.

Any questions, please contact the International Relations Office at

Watch the video!

Watch a video from the 2023 NTU-TUM-Imperial Global Fellows Programme ‘Data for Sustainability’ and see what the students got up to.

Click here to view!