Key Information

Tutor: Dr Helal Ahmed
Course Level: 
Level 1


  • Wed 23 October 2024, 13:00-14:30, MS Teams
  • Wed 19 March 2025*, 12:30-14:00, MS Teams

*bookable from Spring 2025

Managing time successfully will enable you to become more efficient and effective in completing tasks and reducing stress and anxiety.  As part of this course you will learn how to schedule and prioritise tasks and manage procrastination and distractions.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify your time management issues and apply appropriate solutions
  • Create schedules with SMART objectives
  • Assess and prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Employ techniques to manage procrastination and distractions

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.