This document provides a list of minimum expectations that Student Programme Partner and the Graduate School Programme Lead can expect from each other. It is designed to facilitate conversations to establish an effective partnerships; it is recommended that the document is discussed at the first meeting. It should be noted that this is not exhaustive and that the document can be re-visited at any point if necessary.  Variations might apply according to each programme area and therefore the information included below may need to be discussed, tailored and personalised further.


Development Opportunities
As the Graduate School’s (GS) Programme leader, I will: As the Student Programme Partner (SPP), I will:
Fully support you in this developmental opportunity and work with you in partnership, to mutually agree the parameters of the work and provide guidance as and when necessary Work with you in partnership, to mutually agree the aims and objectives for the duration of my tenure.
  Engage with, display initiative in and demonstrate an interest in the programme area, in order to make tangible progress. For example, actively organising and attending meetings, setting deadlines and completing work by the mutually agreed deadlines
Work in partnership with you regarding co-commissioning of the programme, offering support and guidance as and when necessary Work in partnership with you regarding the co-commissioning of the programme - being pro-active in reviewing the programme, identifying gaps in provision, looking at priorities, reviewing existing provision, engaging with students who attend the programme to gather feedback to help inform decisions/discussion
Work in partnership with you regarding designing course material, workshops and other associated teaching activities. Work in partnership with you regarding designing course material, workshops and other associated teaching activities.
  To engage with peers to seek further ideas and input with regards to co-designing the programme
Work in partnership with you to co-assess the programme as part of the annual programme review Work in partnership with you to co-assess the programme as part of the annual programme review and to make recommendations for changes to the programme.
Where relevant, fulfil my role with respect to ensuring the project is submitted via the new course approval process  
Where appropriate, ensure that new courses are submitted via the new course approval process Attend meetings of the Course Quality and Strategic Development committee (CQSD) when relevant.
Managing our Partnership
As the Graduate School’s Programme leader, I will: As the Student Programme Partner (SPP), I will:
Be available to you, working within the parameters of the project. This this may take the form of meetings or discussions by email and/or Skype. Be on time and be prepared for meetings and any other arranged activities.
Ensure that you receive appropriate support and work in partnership with you for the duration of the development opportunity Recognise that I will work in partnership with you and that you will advise and support my progress, for the duration of the development opportunity.
To discuss and mutually agree how best time should be given to the SPP role Ensure that the time allocated to this opportunity is protected and that permission from my supervisor has been given
Take necessary action if the tasks agreed at each meeting are not consistently completed within the agreed timescale. *Further details can be found in the roles and responsibilities document Understand that if the actions agreed at each meeting are not consistently completed in the agreed timescale, that the bursary will be cancelled and the partnership terminated
Ensure that the handover meeting between outgoing and incoming SPPs takes place  Arrange a comprehensive handover for the incoming SPP
Discuss and mutually agree how evaluation of the developmental opportunity should take place Ensure that the final evaluation is completed and submitted at the agreed timescale
As the Graduate School’s Programme Leader, I will: As the Student Programme Partner (SPP), I will:
Appreciate that there may be times when you are unwell and during those times, I will make suitable reasonable adjustments to the deliverable aspects of the development opportunity. Inform you as soon as possible if I am unable to fulfil my obligations and complete the work in the agreed timescale
Be respectful and supportive to you both academically and personally in your role as student Programme Partner (SPP) Understand that if I am concerned about our partnership, or any aspect of the development opportunity, I can raise this with you, or with the Deputy Manager of the Graduate School
Further Development Opportunities
As the Graduate School’s Programme Leader, I will: As the Student Programme Partner (SPP), I will:
Highlight any additional opportunities for co-delivery of courses and workshops (in part or in full, depending on the level of expertise) Take the opportunity to co-deliver courses and workshops further to discussion with you
  Recommend other students who could also assist with co-delivery, if appropriate
Highlight the forms you are required to submit  to ensure that you are able to receive payment for any additional teaching undertaken Ensure that the paperwork I am required to complete with regards to additional teaching opportunities has been completed and submitted. *GTAs must register with the College as Casual Workers and those holding a Tier 4 visa must also complete a Tier 4 declaration form
Fully support and encourage you to use their experiences during the year to apply for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy /AdvanceHE (AFHEA). Take the opportunity to apply for Associate Fellowship of the HEA/AFHEA using the experiences gained over the course of the year
Summary of the table's contents

This information can be downloaded as a Pdf. document here - Students as Partners - Mutual Expectations.Pdf