
Student wellbeing at Imperial is everybody’s business and we all have a part to play in ensuring that students who are facing difficulties are supported. However, it is important to remember that this responsibility does not lie solely with you.  There are a range of specialist support services available to students who are facing personal and/or academic issues and this document provides you with further details about what to do if you encounter a student who is experiencing difficulties.

Wellbeing - Listening & Signposting

If a student approaches you with an issue

When you are teaching, or if you are a Student Representative, you may encounter students who are distressed or who come to you looking for support.  Students are often more comfortable approaching their peers or GTAs than disclosing an issue to a tutor.  If this happens, you should follow these steps:

  • Listen to the student
  • Be clear and set expectations i.e. clarify what your role is and that you can direct the student to those who are better placed to help
  • Signpost to support services
  • Follow up with the student after an initial discussion to enquire how they are and whether they need further help in accessing support.
  • If an issue is complex, seek guidance from the relevant Senior Tutor, don’t try and manage difficult cases alone.
Concerned about a student's wellbeing or safety?
Signposting Sources of Support to Undergraduate & Master’s Students


  • Programme Organiser - available for support on mainly academic matters
  • Personal Tutor – available for support on mainly academic matters
  • Senior Tutor (UG) or (PGT) – available for support on academic and personal matters
  • Administrator (UG) or (PGT) – available for practical information about processes and signposting within the department


  • Faculty Senior Tutors (from all Faculties) are available for additional support and guidance, augmenting the support that your department can provide for academic and personal matters


  • Imperial College Union Advice Centre provides independent, free, confidential and non-judgemental, support and advice on:
    • Academic issues
    • Complaints against College and Union
    • Student accommodation
    • Signposting
  • Any queries outside of these areas will be signposted to the correct department advice@imperial.ac.uk 
Support Services by Topic



  • Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service - 020 7594 9637 / counselling@imperial.ac.uk
  • Health Centre 
  • College Chaplaincy - 020 7594 9600
  • Disabilities Advisory Service - 020 7594 9755 / disabilities@imperial.ac.uk
  • Student Support Zone - The Faculty Senior Tutors, Advice Centre, Counsellors and other sources of help are listed on column opposite and on the ‘Here for you section’ 
  • Students Against Depression - Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking. Alongside clinically-validated information and resources it presents the experiences, strategies and advice of students.
  • Sane - SANE is a leading UK mental health charity that works to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. They have a helpline: 0845 767 8000 and also offer text and forum support
  • NHS 111 - Offers 24 hour medical advice and information. Contact NHS 111 Service by telephone on 111
  • Maytree - Maytree is a registered charity supporting people in suicidal crisis in a non-medical setting. Telephone: 020 7263 7070 or email maytree@maytree.org.uk
  • Mind - Mind is a charity that offers advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They have a number of information pages about a range of topics
  • Nightline+ - listening@nightline.org.uk or call 020 7631 0101 (from 18.00 – 08.00)
  • Frank - A charity offering facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol
  • Papyrus - Suicide prevention charity
  • Samaritans - 24 hour confidential emotional support to anyone in emotional distress. You can drop in to your local branch to meet with a Samaritans volunteer face to face, speak to someone over the phone by calling 116 123, or email jo@samaritans.org 
    Central London Samaritans are located at 46 Marshall Street, London, W1F 9BF and can be contacted by telephone on 020 7734 2800 Use this link to find your nearest branch of the Samaritans.



  • Sexual Violence Liaison Officers - The College has a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers who can provide confidential support and advice to students who have experienced sexual violence. Students can self-refer to the SVLO team and the team are also able to advise staff members who are supporting a student locally.
  • The Havens - The Havens are specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Telephone: 020 3299 6900, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Other Useful Contacts
  • Imperial College Union Advice Centre provides independent, free, confidential and non-judgemental, support and advice on:
    • Academic issues
    • Complaints against College and Union
    • Student accommodation
    • Signposting 
  • Any queries outside of these areas will be signposted to the correct department advice@imperial.ac.uk

PG Representative links - if the Department/Faculty AWO/Campus Officer rep you are looking for is not listed, please contact the relevant course/departmental PG administrator or the Representation Coordination Team at repstaff@imperial.ac.uk


There is also useful information in the Success Guides

Students as Partners

The Students as Partners initiative gives Doctoral students from across the College the opportunity to engage with our Development Programme to help shape its design and delivery.

For more information, please visit the website