This Group will meet 6 times during the first year of ECRI inception, moving to termly meetings thereafter.  It is responsible for considering all operational functions for ECRI and all staff matters and reports to the ECRI Management Group.



Terms of Reference


  1. To approve operational plans which accompany ECRI strategic plans.
  2. To receive regular updates from Management Group with respect to activities happening across Imperial and other more general updates which impact on ECRI operational provision.
  3. To review the ECRI Work Location Framework.
  4. To consider issues which arise from ECRI office space and relevant health and safety matters.
  5. To agree the annual cycle of ECRI events i.e. the Winter Celebration, research staff awards, PhD Summer Showcase, PG Welcome.

    People & Culture
  6. To receive regular reports on overall team compliance with Imperial Essentials
  7. To receive regular reports from the ECRI Values Champion, including items in relation to staff health and wellbeing, ECRI team culture and ECRI team working practices.
  8. To approve the ECRI staff survey action plan and receive regular updates to actions.
  9. To review themes arising from the ARC season with a view to enhancing ECRI team culture and celebrating success.

    Reward, recognition and staff development

  10. To review the ECRI Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework and Procedure.
  11. To consider internal reward and recognition processes and opportunities