Welcome to Imperial's Student Parent and Carers Network Webpage

The Graduate School and Imperial Students’ Union have partnered together to establish a Student Parent and Carers Network.

The Network is open to any Imperial student (undergraduate, Master’s or Research student) who is a parent, expectant parent or who cares for others.

There is a dedicated Teams Channel, which is a space for you to connect with others, to ask questions, share knowledge and ideas. Staff who lead service areas which have a role in supporting student parents and carers are also members of this Group.

If you would like to join the Teams Channel, please click on this link to request access to the Teams site. 

We are currently working to further support student parents and carers through regular informal meet-ups and other activities, plus regular opportunities to talk to staff who can offer advice and guidance for student parents and carers.  For now, the following is planned (details posted to the Teams Site):

  • Festive Mingle - 13 December 2023, South Kensington Campus
  • Spring Meet-up - Monday 15 April 2024 from 9:30-12:00, White City Campus
  • Summer Get together - TBC Silwood Park Campus