Key Information

Tutor: Dr Magdalena Jara & Dr Elena Forasacco


  • Friday 06 December 2024
    11:00-13:00, Microsoft Teams
  • Friday 07 February 2025
    09:30-11:30, Microsoft Teams
  • Wednesday 19 March 2025
    09:30-11:30, South Kensington Campus
  • Wednesday 14 May 2025
    14:00-16:00, Microsoft Teams
  • Friday 06 June 2025 
    09:30-11:30, South Kensington Campus
  • Are you stuck writing your AFHEA application?
  • Don’t know if a particular experience could be included in your application?
  • You are not sure what some of the D1 requirements mean?
  • Do you have doubts on how to evidence some of the PSF 2023 professional areas of activity/professional values/core knowledge?

This session is an opportunity to get answers for your questions, clarify your doubts and/or request further guidance to progress and complete your AFHEA application.

Pre-requisites to attend 

  1. Have attended the course Applying for AFHEA where the full explanation of the application process is provided.
  2. Bring what you have written so far for your application (at any stage, e.g. bullet points listing your teaching practice experience, an application draft, or the files you worked on during the course Applying for AFHEA.

The session will last approx. 2 hours depending on questions received.   
Note: This session is not for credit and will not count towards the attendance requirement.

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.