Key Information

Tutor: Dr Magdalena Jara & Dr Paul Seldon
Course Level: Level 1
Course Credit: 1 credit
Maximum Course Capacity:  25-30
Mode of Delivery: Online & Face-to-Face Sessions Available
Time Commitment: 3.30 hours  (1 hour for pre-course work and 2.30 hours in live session)


There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from September.

This course provides an introduction to assessment and feedback for GTAs at Imperial.  In this course you will explore the principles of effective assessment, with a particular emphasis on formative assessment and feedback as key strategies to support student learning.  We will discuss different assessment and feedback methods and approaches that you can use in your practice, as well as guidance on how to gather feedback to evaluate your own teaching.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, you will be able to:   

  • Identify features of effective assessment   
  • Select a range of appropriate formative assessment methods   
  • Assess the effectiveness of a range of feedback approaches   
  • Evaluate own teaching based on student feedback   

Course Information

The course has two parts:   

  • Preparatory work. You will need to complete two preparatory tasks before the live session, including: reading, responding to questions and analysing cases/examples. These tasks are described and must be completed in Blackboard.
  • Live session. This session will focus on exploring GTAs’ practice and doing discussion-based activities.  (When online, it will run on MS Teams). 

Please note - To gain the credit for the course, participants need to complete the preparatory tasks before the session and fully participate in the live session.

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.  Bookings will close one week before the live session.