Successful doctoral researchers share their experience opreparing for and completing the Viva process.  Watch the videos to learn more.

The Student Experience Videos

1. How did you prepare for the Viva?

How did you prepare for the Viva?

1. How did you prepare for the Viva?

Viva preparation advice

What support did you receive in preparation for your Viva?

2.What support did you receive in preparation for your Viva?

Support received when preparing for the viva

What did you take into the Viva?

3. What did you take into the Viva?

Practical advice of what to take into the viva session

What was the first question you received in your Viva?

4. What was the first question you received in your Viva?

The first question

What sort of questions did you receive?

5. What sort of questions did you receive?

Types of questions asked during the session

How did you deal with questions that you were unable to answ

6.How did you deal with questions you were unable to answer?

Dealing with difficult questions

How long did your Viva last?

7. How long did your Viva last?

Viva duration

8. What are your tips for students are about to have a viva?

8. What are your tips for students are about to have a viva?

Top tips for students about to have a viva