Key Information
Tutors: Dr Elena Forasacco and Centre for Academic English tutors
Course Level: Level 3
Course Credit: 3 credits
- Tuesday 01 April & Wednesday 02 April 2025
09:00-17:00, South Kensington
**Applications are now CLOSED**
These writing retreats are a collaboration between the Graduate School and the Centre for Academic English. They provide a focused opportunity for you to make major advances in writing your thesis in a supportive environment that will enhance subsequent productivity. You will have the opportunity to complete a significant piece of writing, gain new perspectives on your attitude and approach to writing, and review your writing habits in order to become more effective writers.
The retreats are designed for final year students who have started planning their thesis and completed some writing, aiming to submit within a year of the retreat date.
Before the retreat, some simple activities to complete will prepare you for the retreat.
During the retreat, there is plenty of time set aside for writing. There are short talks on specific writing issues and areas such as maintaining motivation. Graduate School and Centre for Academic English tutors are available for one-to-one consultations throughout the retreat. These meetings are focused on generating solutions to writing problems, assisting in developing drafts, and providing feedback on writing in-progress.
Upon completion of this retreat you will be better able to:
- Plan and manage the thesis-writing process
- Set clear and achievable goals for writing
- Write clear, precise and organised academic text
- Structure and connect the narrative of your research writing
- Maintain the momentum and your wellbeing
- Bookings will close approximately 4 weeks before each retreat to allow participants to complete the independent preparation work before the live component of the retreat.
- The Writing Retreat is available on different dates as online interaction or as in-person retreat. Please check details when booking.