Key Information

Tutor: Dr Jesús Urtasun Elizari
Course Level: Level 2
Course Credit1 credit
Prerequisites: Introduction to Sampling and Hypothesis Testing.
Duration: 3 hour session
Format: Microsoft Teams with live teaching and hands-on practice

Building on the material covered by Introduction to Sampling and Hypothesis Testing, this workshop will explore the application of hypothesis testing to data sets that may deviate from theoretical distributions.


  • The t-test and its variations
  • Comparing variances
  • Testing for normality
  • Non-parametric testing
  • Goodness of fit
  • Multiple testing corrections
  • Choosing appropriate statistical methods

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this workshop, you will be better able to:

  • Compare two samples to demonstrate significant differences in their distributions.
  • Explain the difference between parametric and non-parametric testing.
  • Assess the goodness of fit between a model distribution and the observed data.
  • Apply a multiple-testing correction to a p-value calculation.
  • Select a test that is suitable for a given statistical question.

Dates & Booking Information

There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September.

To book your place, please follow the booking process advertised on the main programme page