Key Information

Tutors: Dr Katerina Michalickova 
Course Level:Level 1
Course Credit: 1 credit
Prerequisites: None
Course Duration: 3 x 2 hour sessions 
Format: Live online or live face to face with hands-on practice. 

This tutorial is aimed at students who have no experience with using the command line. You will be introduced to basic commands and concepts that are needed to manage a simple project. Next, we will move onto writing simple scripts for task automation. In this section, you will learn about variables, loops and conditionals. The class is entirely hands-on, you will follow the instructor and will have time for independent exercises. 


  • File management for a scientific project
  • Text editing with nano
  • Basic Unix commands and parameters
  • Command redirection and pipes
  • Running programs on the command line
  • Basics of shell scripting – variables, loops and if statements
  • Worked example of a shell script

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify the situations when the Linux command line is needed
  • Apply the Linux commands to manage data and programs
  • Develop simple shell scripts for task automation
  • Troubleshoot simple shell scripts

Dates & Booking Information

  • There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September.

    To book your place, please follow the booking process advertised on the main programme page