Key Information

Tutors: Dr John Pinney
Course Level: Level 1Course Credit: 1 credit

  • Introduction to Python (or equivalent prior learning)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning (or equivalent prior learning)

Duration: 3 x 2 hour sessions  
Format: Live online or live face to face with hands-on practice.e

Following on from the Introduction to Machine Learning course, this series of hands-on workshops will get you started with applying supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods in Python, using the popular scikit-learn package.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this workshop, you will be better able to:

  • Prepare a dataset for machine learning in Python
  • Select a scikit-learn method appropriate for a particular learning task
  • Construct your own workflows for model training and testing
  • Evaluate the performance of a model

Dates & Booking Information

There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September.

To book your place, please follow the booking process advertised on the main programme page