Key Information

Tutors: Fernando Guntoro (GTAs)
Course Level: Level 2
Course Credit: 1 credit
Prerequisites: Recommend 'Basic Statistics', 'Introduction to Sampling & Hypothesis Testing', and 'Further Hypothesis Testing'. Basic knowledge of R would be beneficial but is not required and can be obtained from the Introduction to R course.
Duration: 3 hours
Format: Live online or live face-to-face with hands-on practice.

Course Description 

This workshop will combine an interactive lecture, a practical in R, and a scientific paper interpretation exercise to teach you how and when to apply regression models in R to your research questions.  

First, the lecture will explain the foundational concepts of regression modelling. We will follow this with a practical segment using R in R Studio to apply models to real data. The practical segment will require elementary use of R, but we will provide all necessary scripts (code). We highly recommend you bring your own laptop to class. Finally, we will interpret regression model results from a scientific paper. 


  • outcome and predictor variables 
  • discrete and continuous data 
  • linear and logistic regression 
  • correlation 
  • R-squared and p-value 
  • regression with a single and multiple predictor variables 
  • model fitting and checking in R 
  • model interactions 
  • model tuning 
  • model visualisation 
  • interpret regression model results from scientific papers 

Learning Outcomes: 
On completion of this workshop, you will be able to: 

  • Define and explain fundamental concepts of regression modelling.  
  • Formulate, apply, and compare regression models based on a research question.  
  • Estimate regression coefficients using R and interpret them in the context of the question. 
  • Interpret regression model results from scientific papers. 

Dates & Booking Information

There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September.

To book your place, please follow the booking process advertised on the main programme page