Key Information

Tutors: Maria Piggin, Laura Alvarado-Cruz, Naomi Asantewa-Sechereh
Course Level: Level 1
Course Credit1 credit


  • Tues 24 June 2025, 10:00-12:00, White City Campus
  • Tues 22 July 2025, 10:00-12:00, White City Campus 

This session, run by the Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC) and co-facilitated with a public contributor, will provide a basic introduction to public involvement in research in the context of health research. You will be introduced to the differences between co-production, public involvement, public engagement, and participation and set public involvement in the wider research context. This session focuses specifically on “public involvement” as defined by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) (i.e. research undertaken “with” of “by” patients and the public rather than “on”, “to” or “about” them). You will learn why public involvement is important, examples of where it can be undertaken in the research cycle and who to involve.  The session will include practical tips about undertaking public involvement and provide some examples of high-quality public involvement activities.

On completion of this session you will be able to:

    • Describe the differences between “public involvement”, “public engagement” and “public participation” in a health-related research context;
    • Explain the reasons why public involvement in medical research is important;
    • Identify when and how public involvement can be undertaken throughout the research cycle;
    • Recognise your role in addressing underrepresentation in research

This course is designed for those undertaking research which will impact patients and the public. This is usually medical research but may include other disciplines depending on the research project. The course is open to Imperial staff members as well as postgraduate students. It is aimed at those with little or no prior experience of public involvement.

Other courses with related content that may interest you:

If you would like to check whether this session is applicable to you, please feel free to contact us on

How to book your place

This course is free, but please see the terms and conditions of booking on the registration form

To ensure there are equal numbers of PhD students and staff at each session there is a quota system so even numbers can attend each session. If the quota is reached for the session you would like to attend, please select another date or ask to be put on the waiting list for a future session. Priority will be given to doctoral students and research staff who undertake public involvement in health research in their role. Because this course is in high demand, in order to secure a place at a future session we request that those who cannot attend a session let us know in advance so others can be offered a place.

If you have any queries or need support completing the registration form, please email