Key Information

Course Level: Level 1 Course Credit: 1 credit
Duration: Approximately 3 hours 
Format: Self-paced online Blackboard course

This course aims to convey copyright essentials to Imperial PhD students. It is focused on UK law only. The structure of the course reflects your research lifecycle and aims to provide clarity on copyright issues you will encounter at each of the stages of the lifecycle. This course will equip you with a working knowledge of copyright and licensing so that in your career as a researcher you use and can share information in a copyright safe way.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify how copyright and licences are relevant at different stages of the research lifecycle.
  • Recognise how UK copyright laws affect the affects the works researchers produce.
  • Employ a working knowledge of UK copyright law and licensing.
  • Develop a sufficient knowledge and understanding to produce a copyright compliant thesis.
  • Assess and understand how the publishing process affects the ownership of copyright.

Course Enrolment Information

To self-enrol onto the course, please follow the instructions: Ensuring Integrity: Copyright (all academic years)