The MARS Scheme
The Graduate school has launched a scheme called MARS, Membership Accreditation and Recognition Scheme, whereby postgraduate students can achieve Registered Scientist status, full Membership of a Professional Body or Chartered status.
MARS Membership

MARS: Membership & Accredited Recognition Scheme
MARS was co-founded by Dr Alastair McIntosh and Dr Janet De Wilde and extended by the current director, Dr Paul Seldon, to include accreditation by the RSB and IOP. If you are interested in seeking accreditation with another professional body please contact Dr Paul Seldon.
The scheme is open to postgraduate students to achieve designations and membership at the following,
It is applicable across the College, regardless of the department you are in. The important aspect is that you can demonstrate expertise in one of these discipline areas and evidence your professional development. Attending Graduate School courses will provide the necessary evidence.
Find out more at our upcoming MARS Q&A sessions:
- Thursday 16 January 2025, 12:30-13:30, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 18 February 2025, 13:00-14:00, South Kensington
Book your place via Inkpath

For more information about registration for professional awards or professional membership currently available via MARS, please view the information available via the following links:
Here are the instructions for the accreditation process:
- You will need to sign up and register to the scheme from the webpage
- You will also need to join the RSC, IOP or RSB
- You will need to complete the suggested courses and apply
- We will assign a MARS scheme mentor to support you, or your research project supervisor might be prepared to take this role – please discuss it with them
MARS Membership

All of the Graduate School's Professional Development courses available for students to attend, can be found on the following webpages,
- Doctoral
- Master's
Information on the mandatory, optional and recommended courses for each designation are mapped against required professional attributes:
- Professional Attributes for Membership & Chartered Status - Biology 2022-23 [Pdf]
- Professional Attributes for Membership & Chartered Status - Chemistry 2022-23 [Pdf]
- Professional Attributes for Chartered Status - Physics 2022-23 [Pdf]
- Course Mapping Competency Areas for RSci - Chemistry Masters Students 2022-23 Pdf
Further information about provision available to all postgraduate students is available on our 'Student' webpages.

To participate in MARS, postgraduate students need to register with the scheme and record their attendance at Graduate School courses, as well as undertaking work in their discipline (master’s project or doctoral research work).
To register as a mentee please complete the SharePoint registration form, giving the following information:
- Full name
- RSC/RSM/IoP Membership number (if applicable)
- Year of Study/Type of study
- Supervisors name
- Up to date CV
Students will be assigned a mentor for the scheme.
Anyone wishing to be a mentor should complete SharePoint mentor registration form
Guidance for Mentors & Mentees
For further information/guidance about the scheme, please download the following documentation,