Name: Jordon Millward
Department: CHERS / DOLS

Student Programme Partner: Research Impact

My Research: My research is focusing on how interactions influence and affect professional identity and career intentions in life students. This research will allow for the development of how an individuals professional identity changes throughout their degree and how it applies to their career intentions.

Why I applied for this particular SPP role: I choose to apply to this programme as I want to improve how we communicate our research to the wider scientific community and how this then impacts our surrounding community. As the next generation of researchers it is imperative that we develop our skills in this area so we have a lasting impact on our disciplines and the communities we work within.

Why I think professional development training is important: Research impact has multiple different elements within it that helps to develop how students share our research we are truly only at the start of our careers and recognising how we reach particular audiences and apply our area's of study is imperative. Learning about the various ways we can do this to support the institution, discipline and ourselves is something researchers need to cultivate and embed into our practice.