Student feedback on the Coaching Programme

"The sessions were incredibly helpful, helping me to achieve greater productivity and learn about how to improve myself."

"The best opportunity by far, as it offers a unique kind of personal support and advice that is unparalleled.  I would love to do it again."

“Clarity of thought is critical in research especially during current unprecedent times. It is easy to get caught in a whirlwind of anxiety and lose trajectory under this pandemic. I would therefore urge students to book a coaching session with Graduate school early”

“I know what is expected of me and resources available to all students . A Ph.D. journey can sometimes feel overwhelming for students who are neither unaware of the support system available nor what it means to have a Ph.D. From and after some initial coaching sessions, I was able to explore college resources and really understand what a Ph.D. is.”

“I am a better communicator. Part of the reason for my heightened anxiety was inability to communicate effectively with my supervisor. Coaching session enabled me to really assess the root cause and develop a communication plan which has worked for me.”

“I am impartial with my research. For a long time I tied my identity to my research so little or no progress caused me a lot of anxiety which sometimes resulted in procrastination. By learning to not anchor my life to my research; failures in research no longer bother me. I can now look at a failed experiment with an objective mind. I also feel more calm; I accomplished a lot of work in this state.”