Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. The fees listed within this section are for students in the 2021–2022 academic session. To find the fee for your course, please choose your Programme from the boxes below.

The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences, Home Fees will be rounded to the nearest £50.00 and Overseas Fees will be rounded to the nearest £500.00; All Fees are capped at the new-entrent fee rate.

Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

Imperial College Business School

Full Time MBA

Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 54,500.00 N/A £ 54,500.00 N/A

Executive MBA

Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort N/A £ 30,750.00 N/A £ 30,750.00
2020 Cohort N/A £ 30,250.00 N/A £ 30,250.00

Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

Cohorts are per Academic Year (October - September), thus, students entering in February 2022 will be in the 2021 Cohort.

Weekend MBA

Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort N/A £ 25,450.00 N/A £ 25,450.00
2020 Cohort N/A £ 24,950.00 N/A £ 24,950.00

Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

Cohorts are per Academic Year (October - September), thus, students entering in April 2022 will be in the 2021 Cohort.

Global Online MBA

Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort N/A £ 20,675.00 N/A £ 20,675.00
2020 Cohort N/A £ 18,800.00 N/A £ 18,800.00

Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

Cohorts are per Academic Year, thus, students entering in either September 2021 or January 2022 will be in the 2021 Cohort.

Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 30,700.00 N/A £ 30,700.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 32,500.00 N/A £ 32,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort N/A £ 16,250.00 N/A £ 16,250.00
2020 Cohort N/A £ 14,750.00 N/A £ 14,750.00
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 37,500.00 N/A £ 37,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 37,500.00 N/A £ 37,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 37,500.00 N/A £ 37,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 37,500.00 N/A £ 37,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 32,990.00 N/A £ 32,990.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 37,500.00 N/A £ 37,500.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 30,700.00 N/A £ 30,700.00 N/A
Entry CohortHome and IrelandNon - Home
2021 Cohort £ 30,700.00 £ 15,350.00 £ 30,700.00 £ 15,350.00
2020 Cohort N/A £ 14,750.00 N/A £ 14,750.00