Presidential UROP bursaries for students of Black heritage
Following the launch of our Presidential Scholarships for Students of Black Heritage, we are pleased to offer additional UROP bursaries to students of Black heritage with Home fee status at Imperial College. Students can apply for these bursaries as part of the single application for all centrally managed UROP bursary schemes. See the Compare Awards section below for more details.
UROP Bursaries 2024-25
Expressions of interest for UROP Bursaries are now open! Please follow the highlight button at the top of this page.
If you are a full-time undergraduate degree student at Imperial College you are invited to apply for funding for the College’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP). All Visiting (non-degree) students, intercalating students and external students are ineligible to apply for this bursary; however, they are welcome to arrange a UROP placement at Imperial College London without bursary funding from this scheme.
A bursary contributes towards the living costs associated with undertaking a research experience (the UROP) within Imperial College during the summer.
Please be aware that only one application form per student will be considered for a UROP bursary. If multiple applications are received then the application with the latest submission date will be assessed for an award.
UROP has furthered the research ambitions of students for nearly 40 years and continues to be the College's focal point for students who wish to develop an appreciation of research and the environment within which it takes place. Students and academic staff are encouraged to consider the possibilities that the UROP system offers.
Imperial College is striving to be a truly inclusive university and is therefore keen to receive applications for these bursaries from women, disabled, and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates as these groups of students have been under-represented in recent UROP bursary schemes.
All applicants will be notified by the 14th of April 2025 whether they have been successful.
The bursary is paid in a single instalment on Monday 7 July 2025. Note that EPSRC funded payments are made via a Casual Worker (Payroll) process by timesheets. The relevant dates of EPSRC UROP payment are published on the Payroll Casual worker page under Payment Dates.
Further information about other UROP funding opportunities is available via the UROP web pages.
Terms and conditions
Important terms and conditions apply to our UROP awards.
Successful applicants will receive full terms and conditions in the Award confirmation.