
Details: 22, from Dheli, India

Imperial Course: MRes Biomedical Science

Optional Modules: Attributes and Aspirations

Previous Education:   MRes Medical Science, University of Chester (unfinished).

                                    BSc Biomedical Sciences, University of Sussex, 2:1

Tags: Overseas, PGT, FoM, S&C, Hindu

Motivations and Frustrations


Alan’s primary goal is to move into a PhD because he particularly enjoys his subject matter and is academically inclined. He thinks he would like an academic career but has no ideas of other options that may be available to him. 


Alan moved from UG study to a MRes at the University of Chester but was dissatisfied with the course so has restarted in an MRes to Imperial. However, he worries that he wasted time by doing this and it will look bad on his applications for PhDs.

Alan's AA Journey

Alan uses Attributes and Aspirations for Medicine the sections in bold refer to the units he takes.

Alan has always enjoyed being part of campus life in his previous institutions AA3 for MED – About Imperial helps him find opportunities for societies he can be part of now he is at Imperial. Alan is a keen cricketer and in WWO1 for MED – Working with Others we explore how that relates to Alan being both a leader and a follower. Part of effective teamwork is being able to set boundaries and in WWO3 for MED – Saying No Alan discovers the different ways of saying no and how they are used in different situations. The unit also explores how people may feel when being told no.

In CVA4 for MED - CVs Alan is considering different roles and is looking at how recruiters read a CV. He uses this information to highlight the most relevant things are to put in a general CV and a research CV and where to put them to make sure they are noticed. Alan sees a PhD advertised at the University of Aberdeen which he decides to apply for and in CVA7 for MED – Personal Statements he writes a personal statement and explores the language he can use to show his motivation for the subject.   

While writing up his project work Alan uses Strict Workflow to help increase his concentration he learns about this and other productivity tools in EE5 for MED – Practical Tools and he then makes use of the Inclusive Technology webpages at Imperial

Finally, Alan is accepted on the PhD programme and moves to Aberdeen. In EE3 for MED – Organisation and Prioritisation he uses prioritisation theories to help him settle in and sort out the important aspects of moving to a new place. Like finding somewhere to live and joining a new cricket club.


Click on the links below to acces the documents relevant to Alan