Details: 22, From Lishui, China
Imperial Course: MSc Applied Mathematics
Optional Modules: Attributes and Aspirations
Previous Education: BSc Chemistry, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, 2:1 equivalent
Volunteer role: RSPCA
Tags: Overseas, PGT, FoNS, Maths
Motivations and Frustrations
Blake’s one major experience was competing in the International Data Analysis Olympiad in the final year of her undergraduate programme. This helped her to understand that she wanted to know more about Applied Mathematics and hopefully get a job in the field. She was excited to be accepted into a UK university and wants to stay in the UK after she graduates. She hopes to begin volunteering, maybe with an animal charity, to give her more wide-ranging experience.
As English isn’t her first language, Blake is worried about interacting with her classmates, especially in group projects. In terms of her next steps, Blake feels that she has limited experience of maths and professionally because she didn’t do a lot other than study during her Chemistry BSc. As an international student she is also concerned about how visa restrictions could affect the process of getting a job in the UK.
Blake's AA Journey
Blake uses Attributes and Aspirations the sections in bold refer to the units she takes.
English isn’t Blake’s first language and while she has good IELTS scores she still wants to improve. In AA3 for FoNS – About Imperial she signs of up the Centre for Academic English ‘Communicating Science Successfully’ workshops and explores other places within Imperial where she might find English Language support. In AA5 for FoNS – Working Online Blake leads a small group project with her English course and this unit she explores strategies for making online group work more efficient. Once she has gained more confidence in communicating science Blake writes a personal Rocket Pitch in COM2 - Communicating in Person to use at networking events.
As she begins searching for what comes next Blake uses DTS4 – Evidencing Your Motivation and looks back on how she selected her master’s programme to help make plans for how to make similar decisions about her future career and she is successful at getting a place on a graduate scheme.
Once she starts work at Splunk part of her role means some travelling and EE5 for FoNS – Practical Tools explores how OneNote can be used to take notes and work while travelling. She also begins to think about professionalism and in COM4 – Being Professional Online Blake is reflecting on what she can and should post on social media about her work at Splunk. Unfortunately, in EE3 for FoNS – Organisation and Prioritisation Blake’s cousin falls ill and she has to adapt her schedule in order to spend more time with her family. This unit uses methods of prioritisation to help her make the most of her time.