
Details: 21, from Leeds, UK

Imperial Course: MSc Advanced Aeronautical Engineering

Optional Modules: Attributes and Aspirations

Previous Education: BEng Mechanical Engineering specialism, University of Birmingham, 1st

Clubs and Societies: AeroSoc, Jazz Soc

Tags: Home, PGT, full-time, FoE, Aero

Motivations and Frustrations


Fola enjoyed the problem solving, group work and practical elements of engineering, and even though she is not sure she wants to be an engineer she still wants to all the academic requirements to be able to become an accredited engineer, so she has options. She hasn’t explored other careers broadly and would like to do this.   She enjoys lots of things and wants a job that won’t be doing the same thing every day.


Fola is not sure what she wants to do or how to make that decision but she knows to get a job in a big company, she may have to make a decision fast. She’s worried about moving to London and how she will cope with making new friends, doing her course and applying for jobs all at the same time. While she does have some work experience, she’s worried that none will be relevant to whatever job she applies for.

AA Journey

Fola uses Attributes and Aspirations for Engineering the sections in bold refer to the units she takes.

Fola is new to Imperial but has always enjoyed being part of campus life and AA3 for ENG – About Imperial helps her find opportunities for societies she can be part of. As she is only at Imperial for a year Fola is very aware that she will need to find a job quickly. She starts by working on her network to see where there might be opportunities from previous contacts. In CP1 for ENG – Networking she starts to build her network by looking for careers fairs to attend and professional societies she may join. This module also looks at how to approach networking events, the sort of questions that she could ask employers, and how to politely leave a conversation.

Fola manages to secure a role at Newton Consulting and shares the things she does in an average weekday. In EE1 for ENG – Managing Your Time she looks at how much time she can/should spend on different aspects of her life and in EE2 for ENG – Decision Making you follow Fola as she makes some decisions throughout the day; from what to have for breakfast, to whether she should apply for a new job, and explores the way those decisions are made.

Part of her role at Newton means Fola travels to different locations for meetings and EE5 for ENG – Practical Tools explores how OneNote can be used to take notes and work while travelling.



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