
Details: 22, from Dubai

Imperial Course: MSc Environmental Engineering

Optional Modules: Attributes and Aspirations

Previous Education: B.E Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Dubai, 1st equivalent.

Clubs and Societies: Engineering Change Society

Tags: Home, mature, PGT, FoM, Immu, mature

Motivations and Frustrations


Jarod’s ultimate aim is to move back to Dubai with a good knowledge of environmental consultancy. He’s always been interested in the environment and is hoping that the move to Imperial will build on this interest and allow him to move into an environmental solutions role. He wants to get some experience in the UK once he graduates (and hopefully gain Chartered Engineer status) before moving home.


Jarod is annoyed he didn’t do an environmental undergraduate degree and hopes he will be able to adapt to the subject and to Imperial quickly. This is even more important as he wants to find a job in the UK and is aware that he needs to start applying as soon as he starts his course. Having had some experiences at home of working/volunteering in environmentally related roles, he is conscious of the different cultural approaches he may have to adopt when he tries to implement at home what he is learning in the UK.

AA Journey

Jarod uses Attributes and Aspirations the sections in bold refer to the units he takes.

English isn’t Jarod's first language and while he has good IELTS scores he still wants to improve. In AA3 for ENG – About Imperial he signs of up the Centre for Academic English ‘Communicating Science Successfully’ workshops and explores other places within Imperial where he might find English Language support. From EE5 for MED – Practical Tools he also learned about ‘Forest’  a tool to help concentration. The Imperial Success Guide has other similar apps to help with focus and concentration. 

In AA5 for ENG – Working Online Jarod is leading part of a small group project with the Centre for Academic English to create a short video. In this unit he explores strategies for making online group work more efficient. Further into his studies Jarod finds himself doing group work as part of his course and WWO1 for ENG – Working in a Team helps to explore group dynamics and how different skills and personality traits make a difference. Jarod completes an online test to find out what his idea role is within a group, then reflects on that when selecting group roles.

As he starts to look for opportunities in the future Jarod writes a Rocket Pitch in COM2 - Communicating in Person to use at networking events. Click on the link in his bio to see how he develops his pitch.



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