Details: 22, from Bedford, UK
Imperial Course: MEng Chemical Engineering (with a year abroad)
Optional Modules: Imperial Award
Clubs and Societies: Bridge and Chess
Tags: Home, UG, FoE, Chem Eng
Motivations and Frustrations
Peter comes from a family of engineers. He likes the how practical engineering is but is also interested in chemistry, which is why he chose chemical engineering. He’s hoping his year overseas will help him grow more confident with travelling (he’s only travelled for holidays with his family) as he’d like to explore the world more. Peter’s family are happy to pay for his university however he wants to pay his own way in some part so works in the local pub during holidays.
Peter sometimes feels likes he’s not as good academically as his classmates, even though he feels like he studies more than many of them. He has passing grades with an average of a 2.1 but he thinks he would have better chances if he got a 1st. Even feeling this pressure, he still struggles to study more, as he likes to join in with the Bridge and Chess club and then feels guilty for not studying.
Click on the links below to access the documents relevant to Peter
Peter's Imperial Award
Peter came to Imperial because it has good graduate outcomes. He is in his third year and is starting to think about his year abroad and what he will do next. The Imperial Award seemed like a good addition to his CV. He would like to do some of the submissions while he is abroad (Australia or Singapore) to help him make the most of the opportunities. He likes that the IA is a pass/fail course as that removes some of the pressure.
He has chosen the following attributes to write about in his portfolio
- Adaptability
- Discovery Mindset
- Global Mindset
- Emotional Intelligence
and he would like to reflect on the following experiences
- He is a member of the Bridge and Chess clubs and plays both regularly.
- He works as a kitchen porter in a local pub during the holidays and sometimes waits tables.