
Preferred name: Steve

Details: 19, Tianjin, China

Imperial Course: Year 1 – Mathematics (Pure Mathematics)

Optional Modules: Imperial Award

Clubs and Societies: Baseball, Swimming, Chinese society

Tags: Overseas, UG, FoNS, Maths

Motivations and Frustrations


When he has completed his degree, Steve would like to return to China to support his family and work in international banking. He wants to improve his language skills and Imperial Award is a good way to do that, and to meet people outside of maths.


Steve struggles to communicate with his teammates when playing sport and worries that his language skills will make group work and presentations hard.

Studying in the UK is very different to his schooling in China, and he does not always know what is expected of him in assessments and group work. He also struggles with culture shock and homesickness.


Click on the links below to access the documents relevant to Steve

Steve's Imperial Award

Steve has signed up for the Imperial Award because he thinks it will help is language skills and make him better at communicating with others on his course. When he has completed his degree, he would like to return to China to support his family and work in international banking. He is hoping that he will meet people outside of mathematics when he attends IA workshops and that having to complete the reflections will help him to get more involved in extracurricular activities.

He has chosen the following attributes to write about in his portfolio

  • Creating Connections
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Global Mindset

and he would like to reflect on the following experiences

  • Steve is interested in reflecting on his language skills.
  • He has struggled with culture shock and homesickness.
  • He plays baseball and tennis, as well as swimming.
  • Studying in the UK is very different to his schooling in China.
  • He is a member of the Chinese Society but he doesn’t often attend events.