Theme 3: Lifecycle

This is an emerging theme led by Dr Arnab Majumdar and Professor Jennifer Whyte (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering). It brings together our interests in the operation of systems and the implication of operations for delivering value across the infrastructure life-cycle. There is a strong overlap of interest with the LRF Transport Risk Management Centre, which has work on safety in complex transportation systems. Current and recent research that is related to this theme includes:

Our current research interests are in how systems engineering techniques can add value across the infrastructure life-cycle. An example of this research is Professor Whyte’s on the hand-over of digital asset information to owners and operators, using the analogy of passing the baton. There is ongoing interest in mapping the dynamics of systems integration decisions through-life, for example through work to graph the information processing and social networks involved in making integration decisions in infrastructure; and through work on better data for systems verification and commissioning. 

Portable Network Graphics

Figure 1: Two stages in each instance of handover to operators in the Olympics programme

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Centre Director
Dr Ana Mijic


For adminstration please contact:
T:  +44 (0)20 7594 5031