
BibTex format

author = {Cabass, G and Jazayeri, S and Pajer, E and Stefanyszyn, D},
doi = {10.1007/jhep02(2023)021},
journal = {The Journal of High Energy Physics},
title = {Parity violation in the scalar trispectrum: no-go theorems and yes-go examples},
url = {},
volume = {2023},
year = {2023}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - We derive a set of no-go theorems and yes-go examples for the parity-odd primordial trispectrum of curvature perturbations. We work at tree-level in the decoupling limit of the Effective Field Theory of Inflation and assume scale invariance and a Bunch-Davies vacuum. We show that the parity-odd scalar trispectrum vanishes in the presence of any number of scalar fields with arbitrary mass and any parity-odd scalar correlator vanishes in the presence of any number of spinning fields with massless de Sitter mode functions, in agreement with the findings of Liu, Tong, Wang and Xianyu [1]. The same is true for correlators with an odd number of conformally-coupled external fields. We derive these results using both the (boostless) cosmological bootstrap, in particular the Cosmological Optical Theorem, and explicit perturbative calculations. We then discuss a series of yes-go examples by relaxing the above assumptions one at the time. In particular, we provide explicit results for the parity-odd trispectrum for (i) violations of scale invariance in single-clock inflation, (ii) the modified dispersion relation of the ghost condensate (non-Bunch-Davies vacuum), and (iii) interactions with massive spinning fields. Our results establish the parity-odd trispectrum as an exceptionally sensitive probe of new physics beyond vanilla inflation.
AU - Cabass,G
AU - Jazayeri,S
AU - Pajer,E
AU - Stefanyszyn,D
DO - 10.1007/jhep02(2023)021
PY - 2023///
SN - 1029-8479
TI - Parity violation in the scalar trispectrum: no-go theorems and yes-go examples
T2 - The Journal of High Energy Physics
UR -
VL - 2023
ER -

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